
The CING offers the opportunity to undergraduate & postgraduate students, graduates and High School students to spend some time in its premises and become familiar with the Cypriot Scientific Community

The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics offers the opportunity to undergraduate & postgraduate students, graduates and High School students to spend some time in its premises and become familiar with the Cypriot Scientific Community. 

The following placement schemes are currently available (no remuneration is provided):

  1. Summer Internships (minimum duration 1 week) for the months of June, July & August
  2. Practical Experience (for undergraduate students as part of their undergraduate program and in collaboration with their home institution)
  3. Work Experience Week (for High School students)
  4. Erasmus+ Placements


Application Procedure

Those interested in applying, must send an e-mail request directly to the department/clinic/group of their choice providing the following information:

  • Short CV
  • Type of placement (one of the 4 above options)
  • Duration 


The procedure is coordinated by the CING departments directly and the decision is based on the Department’s availability. 

More information about the work performed in each laboratory along with their contact information can be found in the following links:




***For all enquires and applications contact the departments/groups directly*** 

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