Neuromuscular Disorders Center (NDC)


The Neuromuscular Disease Center has a long tradition at CING since it was founded in 1990. The Center has pioneered the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular and rare neurological disorders in Cyprus, and has a world-wide reputation for expert patient care and innovative research.

The Center provides diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of Neuromuscular disorders in mainly adults and for certain diagnoses also for children, especially for inherited neuromuscular disorders. 

Within the Neuromuscular Disease Center, there are several specialty clinics that include the Muscular Dystrophy Clinic, ALS Clinic, Peripheral/Inherited Neuropathies Clinic, Myasthenia gravis Clinic, General Neuromuscular Disorders Clinics and Neurofibromatosis Clinic.

The center operates on the basis of international recognized treatment protocols and is fully accredited by CHKS. Services are built around the patient needs and relevant patient associations function as partners in the planning and long-term support of the Center. 

Πληροφορίες για ασθενείς με νευρομυϊκές και χρόνιες αυτοάνοσες νευρολογικές ασθένειες σχετικά με τα εμβόλια κατά του  SARS CoV-2 
