Event date : Thursday, 09 May 2019

Time: from 11:00 to 12:00

Place:Amphitheatre, CING

CING Lectures: MicroRNAs as possible biomarkers...

MicroRNAs as possible biomarkers for screening of aortic aneurysms: a systematic review and validation study
Moushi A, Michailidou K, Soteriou M, Cariolou M, Bashiardes E.
Biomarkers. 2018 May;23(3):253-264. doi: 10.1080/1354750X.2018.1423704


Speaker: Rafailia Kazamia

Host: Dr Marios Cariolou (Department of Cardiovascular Genetics and the Laboratory of Forensic Genetics)



Click here for more information regarding CING Lectures.
